The Trafalgar Square installation will be a platform for the large-scale launch of our Million Image Database educational programme “Gateways”. 

With its partners, the IDA is committed to promoting the study of classics, ancient history, and ancient languages in schools. We believe that children of all ages and backgrounds should be given the opportunity to share in the excitement which comes from acquiring an understanding of the role of cultural history in shaping our modern lives.

In collaboration with Classics for All, Magdalen College, Oxford, Snap Theatre, and colleagues in the Middle East, the Gateways programme targets the cultural education of primary and secondary school children in the UK and the Middle East. Gateways connects children though shared activities exploring themes in culture, language, and ancient history.


The Storytiles Project, aimed at 7–11, year olds explores the shared cultural heritage of Western Europe and the Middle East through the creation of mosaic tiles.

In Trafalgar Square in April, we shall display the first nine tiles of a giant mosaic which will gradually grow and grow as children around the world participate in the project.

Lesson plans and educational packs will be available here soon. For further information email

The Trading Places Poetry Project, aimed at 15–18, year olds explores our relationship with the theme of “place” and how this relationship has evolved over the last 2,000 years. We explore how poets through the ages have attempted to capture the sense of identity that comes from the built environment around us, and produce creative responses to our own experiences of “place”.

The Trading Places Picture Project, aimed at 7–16 year olds connects children and young people in the Middle East with those in the UK through the exchange of drawings and paintings with the theme of “place”. By exchanging pictures showing their local environment and their relationship with it, those participating learn not only about each other’s culture, but about the power of non-verbal communication, and the shared language of art.

Lesson plans and educational packs will be available here soon. For further information email